Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

I am stumped for a title today, hence the date. Cold sunshine lights my work space and we are definitely back to winter. The Amarylli on the kitchen counter don't seem to mind.

Last night this is how one looked.

A few hours later, this morning, I grabbed the camera again and took this shot.

The flower seems small compared to the first one that I had several years ago and I would prefer to see it bloom sequentially, as that first one did. Still it is thrilling to watch it go through its cycle and know that Spring will come.

I have been fiddling and fiddling with my Etsy shop and have decided that there are certain computer tasks akin to dusting in a brick and mortar store. About as interesting too! At least I am learning something every day and improving my presence and presentation on the web.

Yesterday I spent far too much time drooling over yarn because of a friend's blog post. So many colors, so much yarn, so little time. I will try to add a picture of my latest knitting project when I come back later. It is so pretty!

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