A few days ago, I was refreshing my memory in a skill that I developed twenty or so years ago--potpourri making. I whipped up a big, big batch (nearly 30 cups) of Christmas potpourri, which I will bag this week for sale on my Etsy shop.
Here is a picture of the potpourri in my big shiny aluminum bowl that was originally intended, I am sure, for holding salad. (Big stack in grocery store of the day and my recollection is that the bowl cost all of four dollars! Wish I had bought three!)
Below is a closeup of the potpourri in the bowl. I wish I could share how wonderful it smells!
The next step after mixing all the dry ingredients together is to pick the wet ones and add them. They are a mixture of essential oils and fragrance oils. I try to use essential oils because they are more natural and usually also stronger and they last longer. (Some potpourri that I made in the late eighties is still pleasantly fragrant.
Here is a photo of the oils, after I had chosen them from the collection.
The house smelled heavenly. Unlike baking the fragrance lingers several days later, even though the product is neatly sealed in a large zipper bag. Since it isn't edible, it also doesn't have calories. I should have done much more of this and much less of baking over the last forty years. Oh well. I enjoy baking too!
To bed to read another installment of Laurie R King's amazing re-invention of Sherlock Holmes with Mary Russell, his young apprentice and wife.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I will show the potpourri later in the week when it is in pretty packages with ribbons.