Friday, March 7, 2008


The week went by so quickly that I almost feel guilty for being glad that it is Friday! Still I am. My young friend M is coming home for spring break tonight, so I am thinking of safety for travelers and offering a prayer to St. Raphael, the Archangel as I write this.

St. Raphael is one of my favorite saints of all time. Patron of travelers, patron of healing, patron of love and of friendship, he is pretty much a saint for all seasons. I particularly like to invoke him for healing, journeys and for friendship on and off the internet.

I love the Book of Tobit in which St. Raphael features as the hero and have wished I could figure out how I could adapt the story to modern times to make a screenplay out of it.

This has been a good week for writing. An old manuscript that needs much editing is in progress on my desktop computer. I will keep plugging, re-writing to give it a livelier, less pedantic voice and editing to bring it up to date.

While I work at the dining room table my dear friend K is weeding in my back yard. I can watch her diligently, patiently and almost obsessively pulling weeds. This woman has more patience than anyone else I have ever met except for my late father. She will be out of light soon and only that will force her to quit. I am truly blessed.

In so many ways, I am truly blessed and because it is Friday I am going to count my blessings, rejoice in gratitude and try to put my worry-warting on hold. One of the things I am grateful for this week is the new to me dishes that a neighbor was giving away over our neighborhood email list. I call this the email list lottery--Wednesday I won it. It might be more fun to win money in the state lottery, but not much more fun. The dishes are translucent green plastic that when washed look like glass. Twenty dinner plates and ten salad plates--my neighbor wished me many happy parties. I was touched. I don't give parties, but now my daily meals and lunches with friends will be as festive as parties. Small daily parties. Celebrate life. I like that.

Happy Friday. St. Raphael watch over M as she flies home and all travelers this night.

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