Sunday, March 2, 2008

Glorious Sunday

I rolled outside today and took plant pictures. One of the most magnificent plants in my yard is a twenty-five year old rosemary that thinks it is trying to take over the county. It is covered in blue flowers that are so pretty and abuzz with bees. Good to see considering that the bees are having trouble surviving these days.

One of my greatest photographic challenges is trying to capture the bee or bees at work on the rosemary flowers. This is something that I have been trying to do for three years and will keep trying.

The daffodils are still pretty; the hyacinths are too and one azalea is blooming in a little pot. Two pots contain leaves of bulbs--tulips in one, calla lily in the other that will bloom sometime soon. I would particularly love to the see the calla bloom in time for Easter. I like it better than the more traditional "Easter lily". I am allergic to the fragrant lilies, which is too bad.

The old, old white flowering Satsuma plum in my next door neighbor's yard is blooming and is so fragile, and ethereal looking. It bloomed the year my Mama died during the week that she lay dying and I have thought of it ever since then as my resurrection tree. It is one of the things I am always most grateful for on a hot summer day, for it shades my bedroom window and allows me to rest until the worst of the heat passes and I rise to open windows. That time will come sooner than I think; I dread it already for it is getting harder each year to cope with the heat. In the yard behind me a beautiful flowering plum tree is putting forth a veil of pink blossoms. Unlike the Satsuma, it will not bear fruit.

When I was young and the house was almost brand new--nearly fifty years ago--the entire neighborhood was alive with blossoming plum trees at this time of the year. They did not do well, I am not sure why and they have gradually been replaced by other kinds of trees.

The sunshine streaming in today makes me cheerful and warms me as I type. Sunday is good; life is good and spring is definitely coming.

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