Friday, October 19, 2007


This week really has flown by so quickly! I hope to make Peace flags this weekend. They start with a piece of special cloth that is fused to a paper backing and designed to go through the ink jet printer. My ink jet printer is somewhat old, an Epson Photo Stylus 750, bought for its beautiful color technology and cherished for nearly eight years now. The first time I put the organza through the printer, I held my breath. Would this really work, or would it destroy the printer? The results were so beautiful I nearly cried. The ink is not permanent or water proof, however, so these flags will not last if displayed outdoors. This makes them perfect as prayer flags, though, since the idea is that the fabric should disintegrate, blow on the wind and become one with it. The word peace can disseminate, in many languages, all over the world. I love this idea and must remember to ask my sister if hers--the very first one has disintegrated yet. The next three that I make are destined for presents (well one is for me) and then I will begin to sell them. Look for me on Etsy, soon.

Today it is trying to rain, but not succeeding yet. Then, according to the weather forecast, we should be getting some summer like weather for a spell. The long-term forecast for the next three months is for warmer than usual weather. This will be welcome. They are also forecasting rain. This too will be so welcome.

Knitting progresses with long fluffy scarves of vibrant shiny yarn that works up quickly. With Halloween only two weeks away, Fall is flying fast. I love November, the month to remember, as it begins with All Saints and All Souls, progresses to Veteran's Day and ends with Thanksgiving. More about this as the time comes. Then, before we know it will be Christmas! The cycle ends and begins all over again.

It is a lovely time of year. Time to make Peace flags and give thanks and make Peace.

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